Most of us have never heard of herd immunity – it’s likely you searched the term because you saw it on the news or in a thread debating vaccinations. People on the “vaccinate or die” side of the argument use herd immunity – also called community immunity – as a reason to push higher vaccination […]
Does Sugar Make You Tired, Lethargic? Here’s Why
Does eating sugar make you tired? Unable to focus? Drained? If you have a human body, sugar can make you tired. And it happens to children, too, despite the initial energy boost. My stomach churned as the school bus bounced through the turns on its way to the museum. I hadn’t been on a school bus […]
Coconut Oil – Not the Killer It’s Made Out To Be
Last week, coconut oil was still enjoying it’s 15 minutes of fame with articles like “10 Impressive Health Benefits of Coconut Oil” and “Eat 2 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil Daily for These Amazing Health Benefits!” Then, ‘big coconut’ was blindsided when the American Heart Association dug up its shady past. Now the tabloids read “Coconut […]
Why Heart Disease is the #1 Killer and What You Can Do About It
If we know so much about heart disease, why is it still the #1 killer in the world? 4 of the 6 biggest risk factors are under our direct control. Will you wake up before it’s too late?
How to Use Instant Gratification for Weight Loss
I stood on the scale in the pale, sterile exam room and slowly lowered my head to read the dreaded display. My polite half-smile melted away as evil numbers made my heart pound and my cheeks hot. Why is it that when I get weighed at the doctor’s office it’s more painful? At home or […]
3 Books That Will Increase Your Health IQ
I was seven when my Grammie placed the little, laminated library card in my hand. I felt like I had won a prize, I could hardly control the excitement in my little body as I walked down aisle after aisle of beautifully illustrated children’s books. Grammie didn’t know what she unleashed. I looked forward to […]