Gluten-free is a major buzzword and has been for the last 2 decades. And for those with celiac disease, hallelujah! Gluten-free foods litter the aisles of the grocery store, restaurants have gluten-free options even for pizza, and bloggers and chefs share their gluten-free recipes for your perusal. Celiac sufferers wish there was this much hype […]
processed food
Does Sugar Make You Tired, Lethargic? Here’s Why
Does eating sugar make you tired? Unable to focus? Drained? If you have a human body, sugar can make you tired. And it happens to children, too, despite the initial energy boost. My stomach churned as the school bus bounced through the turns on its way to the museum. I hadn’t been on a school bus […]
Why Am I Always Tired? How Food is Sucking Your Energy
Why are you always tired? Are you sleeping enough but still tired during the day? It’s what you eat that is sucking your energy. Read on, exhausted friend… On Sundays, I sleep in as late as I want. My husband gets up with the kids, and when I sleep really late, he’ll even make breakfast. […]