Welcome to Eat My Science!
I could tell you all kinds of things here, like how:
- My biology degree gives me a unique insight into your human body and how it functions,
- I use that knowledge to sift through scientific studies and relate those studies to our behavior, and
- I relate the science and our behavior to what we put in our mouths.
But I want you to ignore all that. Because Eat My Science isn’t about me – it’s about you.
It’s all about you, mama.
As children, we didn’t have to think about food. We ate what was fed to us, while learning habits without realizing (these are the habits that sabotage us today, by the way.)
Our parents did the best they could, but in the later decades of the 20th century feeding a family was all about convenience.
Most of us never learned how to cook growing up.
In our 20’s, we could eat whatever we wanted and our bodies adjusted.
But something strange happens between our single eating days and becoming a mother.
Suddenly we are supposed to be a chef. Our bodies require more nutrition, and we are in charge of the health and habits of tiny humans that we created.
All of a sudden, what we know about eating and cooking is not enough.
There’s plenty of crap in motherhood to make us feel like we’re not enough. We don’t need something we have to do multiple times a day EVERY DAY to make us feel less than.
It’s time to step up the game. Change the way we think about food, change the way we teach our families to eat, and change the habits of the next generation.
Are you up for the challenge?
Enter Eat My Science!
I’m here to be your teacher. I am here to help you navigate the crazy internet world of industry-funded studies and sensationalized headlines.
Let’s skip all the drama around food and make cooking, feeding, and eating one of our superpowers!
I’m Jadie, and I eat every day. I cook for my family every day. I love my kids, and I love your kids too!
Meet Jadie!
Nutrition education is a field I came to in a round about way. I followed my two passions in life and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Theater and a Bachelor of Science in Biology.
I’m not a doctor (yet!). I’m not a journalist. I’m not a spokesperson for any special interest group. I do not work for any industry. I’m not a politician.
I am a mom and a wife, and an advocate for healthy families.
I want you to be healthy, I want your family to be healthy, and I want our childrens’ generation to grow up healthy.
I look forward to our journey together!