To feed your body right, you have to be killer in the kitchen.
For some of you, this is music to your ears. For others, this is a dreaded truth (that would be me).
So, for those who need more training to become a kitchen assassin, this is for us. It is a journey we will take together, and I am sure you will teach me far more than I will teach you. But by learning together, we will all be assassins in the end.
Scouring the interwebs and our grandmothers’ recipe books, we’ll find the tips and hacks that will transform us into the ninjas we always knew we could be. But in the kitchen. And anywhere else we wear our ninja shoes.
You don’t have to be a killer cook, or even have natural cooking talent. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Every tip and hack is like adding ammo to the arsenal. Armed with all this knowledge, we can make feeding ourselves and our families an easy mark.
Welcome to the Kitchen Assassin Academy.